TurkoTek Salon Archive

Salon 78: Those Other Central Asian Tribal Rugs: Uzbek, Karakalpak, Kyrghiz and Arab. by R. John Howe

Summary - R. John Howe

The "Very Old" in the "Relatively New" - R. John Howe

Happy Kilim - Vincent Keers

Additional Images and a Few Thoughts - Michael Wendorf

Another Kyrghyz Rug. - Filiberto_Boncompagni

A Distinctive Structure - R. John Howe

A Central Asian Main Carpet - Guido Imbimbo

Indicators of Non-Turkmen Central Asian Weavings - R. John Howe

Putting Images into Messages - Steve Price

Weavings in This Group That You Like, or Dislike, and Why - R. John Howe

Thanks - Steve Price

A Surprising Range of Color - R. John Howe