TurkoTek Salon Archive
Salon 70: What Rugs Will be Collected in 2101?
by R. John Howe
Summary - R. John Howe
Portrait rugs - Yon Bard
Survivability - R. John Howe
New Production, Tomorrow's Collectibles
- Muammar Ucar
Some hopes for the future - Sophia
Who will collect? - Stephen Louw
Afghan War Rugs - R. John Howe
Inside and Out of Control - R. John
Burton Y. Berry was there - Richard
Rug Collectors in 2101 Will Not As Frequently
- John Howe
Technology and Tradition - R. John
Originality - Yon Bard
Where Your Rug Was Grown - R. John
Message from Emmett Eiland - R.
John Howe
Ethnographic Rugs? - Steve Price
Broader Than "Contemporary"
- R. John Howe
Folk-Life Rugs - R. John Howe