TurkoTek Salon Archive
Salon 54: Internal Elem:
Myth or Reality? by Yon Bard
Summary - Yon Bard
No elem in the yastik - Wendel Swan
Internal Elems in Kurdish Weavings
- Michael Wendorf
Internal Elems in Moroccan Rugs -
Giambattista D'Alessio
A Yomud Torba - Kenneth Thompson
Some data - Yon Bard
Examples with Horizontal Lines in the Field
- Steve Price
Problem solved - Vincent Keers
An Apology to Yon - Steve Price
Some Messages Vanished Overnight
- Steve Price
Clear, concise definitions of the hypotheses, please - Steve Price
On anomalies -- and aesthetics -
Marla Mallett
The Internal Elem Configuration and its Markings - Michael Wendorf
- Daniel Deschuyteneer
1001 nights - Vincent Keers
Bergama 1850 study - Vincent Keers
Ditzy dots or judicious jogs? -
Henry Sadovsky
Your Yomud juval - Steve Price
The Sikri Hypothesis- a clear(?) example
- Henry Sadovsky
A shred of evidence, maybe two shreds
- Steve Price
Language and the Need for Deliberate Mistakes
- R. John Howe
The Sikri Hypothesis - Henry Sadovsky
Keep on banging - Vincent Keers