How reliable is the "educated eye test" for dyes?
Hi People
Nearly everyone who collects or sells antique rugs believes
he/she can distinguish natural from synthetic dyes by eye. I think it would be
fairly simple to present a large number of such people with samples of rugs, ask
them to identify the synthetic dyes, and test all of the dyes by thin-layer
chromatography. The object would be to determine just how reliable their eyes
actually are. Does anyone know if such a test (not necessarily this specific
one, of course) has ever been carried out? It would be useful to know just how
good "educated eyes" are at dye analysis.
Steve Price
dear steve,
if such a test were carried out . . . and all of the
participants failed it will still not be a positive indication that some people
are not able to differentiate between colors according to the origin of the dye
stuff . . .
i know quite a bit about musical hearing and there
individuals who can perform amazing feats that are quite on the order of one in
a million people or one in ten million. i would assume that this is also true of
the scene of sight.
in any case such a test would depend on which
dyes are studied -- synthetics of indigo are pretty much the same as natural
indigo except for the impurities . . . it is the radically different synthetics
that are relatively easy to discern
richard farber
Dear folks -
While I think that while the logic of Richard Farber's
argument above is sound, the pressure of his conclusion moves in a direction
different from the one I personally think is best for the messy business of rug
The possibility that there might be some who can recognize
"synthetic dyes" is a bit like the claim that there are some who can recognize
aesthetically superior rugs. I could give more credence to the possibility of
this claim if those who claim it would also state (at least hypothetically) both
the test situation in which it could be demonstrated and the outcome that would
make them conclude that it is in error. Richard's post seems to resist such a
test and especially such a conclusion.
For me, the better answer to
Steve's question resides in a story I've told here before.
One morning,
at a TM rug program, the then head of the Christie's rug department, Jim
Ffrench, I believe, brought out a Caucasian rug with bold, jarring, rather
unpleasant colors that many in the room would see as very likely the result of
synthetic dyes. He said, "I took this rug in for auction recently and only as a
favor to a friend. I don't like it for the same reason, likely that you don't,
its colors." He then produced a Turkish silk fragment that he said had some age
that had in it many of the same colors. He said, "I don't like this piece either
for the same reason, but the inconvient thing is that all of the colors in this
Turkish piece have been chemically tested and are the result of the use of
natural dyes."
He then, held that is was likely that a far wider range
of shades can be and were produced with natural dyes than those we usually
consider to be within the natural dye palette. He said, "It seems at least
likely that we need to be re-educated about the range of colors that can in fact
be produced with natural dyes. We are likely currently often excluding perfectly
collectible pieces incorrectly on the suspicion of their having synthetic
My own answer and sense of the correction needed with regard to
Steve's question is that we should likely mostly give up on the possibility that
any of us can visually recognize synthetic dyes accurately and acknowledge that
the sounder posture in this arena is to be less certain about which pieces
should be passed over on that basis without chemical
R. John Howe
Hi John and Richard
I don't doubt for a moment that some "educated
eyes" are better than others, but I doubt that any are perfect and would be
interested in knowing the extent of the imperfections in those who are, let's
say, better than most.
I'm familiar with the fact that a much wider range
of color can be produced with natural dyes than those usually found in antique
rugs. It would be good to know how often such colors of natural origin were used
in antique rugs.
Identification of a palette as all natural dyes or
partially synthetic is probably the most commonly used criterion for estimating
age of a rug. The real issue, the one that has consequences to rug collectors
and dealers alike, is how reliable this criterion for judging age really is. To
my knowledge, it hasn't been directly addressed (although I have a vague
recollection of Paul Mushak comparing laboratory analyses with eyeball
judgments, perhaps someone remembers the source and details).
I do
disagree with John's proposal that the "educated eye" test should be abandoned
altogether. First, because it is not likely to happen - it's too firmly set in
the culture to be tossed out without a very good reason to do so. Second,
because it may be very reliable, indeed; we just don't know at the moment. My
guess is that it's about as reliable (or unreliable) as any other criterion that
we apply.
Steve Price
Hi Steve -
I don't think I quite said "abandon." I think my proposal
was to acknowledge the uncertainty of the visual estimates we currently make.
Its result, I think, would be to increase the consideration of some
pieces often quickly scorned because they have some shades that are outside the
"natural dye" palette into which we have been
R. John Howe
Hi John
I misunderstood your post; I apologize. I agree that we should
remain aware that the reliability of the "educated eye test" for identifying
synthetic dyes is not yet documented.
Steve Price
It all comes to this: we know how good natural dyes look because we have
examples of pre-1875 rugs in museums, private collections and so on.
We also
know how bad some synthetic dyes - often applied on machine spun wool – look
because we have plenty of modern rugs around.
We obviously prefer the
natural ones so, when presented with some rugs, we identify the good-looking,
vibrant colors with natural dyes and the flat or too harsh ones with synthetic
But, as John demonstrated in his example above, even natural dyes
can look wrong.
In the archived discussion “dyes and ethnographic value”
they were presented a couple of modern Anatolian yastiks with natural dyes on
hand-spun wool.
In my
opinion, the colors looked awfully harsh. Perhaps they will mellow with time, of
course, but as they are now, I don’t like them at all.
On the other hand,
synthetic dyes, if well applied, can produce excellent colors…
And here
is a sort of example about that:
Mr. Horst Nitz sent me, some time ago, the
scan of an old article from Hali (Vol I No 3 /1978 pp. 281-283 “The Dyes Of
Turkoman Rugs” by Mark Whiting).
The author, a chemist and rug collector,
chemically examined a number of Turkoman rugs from his collection. In short,
here is his conclusion:
“If my contribution had to be compressed in a
single sentence, it would be that more Turkoman rugs contain synthetic dyes, and
therefore were woven after 1880, that is commonly imagined. Yet, many such
pieces retain the same craftsmanship, fine design, good colour harmonies, and
beauty that early Turkoman possess.
I regard many of them as valuable
components of my collection.”
Meditate, folks, on the words “good
colour harmonies” … Are those good looking colors in your rugs really all
The „ educated eye test“ - brilliant term - beats them
Reasonable reliability, always at hand wherever you go, instantly
applied, immediate outcome, no mess, no weight to carry, no cost, no
auxiliaries, high input-output ratio with regard to training effort (efficacy),
works upside down … what else is needed?
Optimum performance may require
control of some variables: light, age range of textile, degree of being
accustomed with type or provenance etc.
For special applications
Thin-Layer-Chromatography (TLC) comes in: research interest, scientific
substantiation of expert opinion etc. High reliability and objectivity is
achievable but demands for a laboratory and a sophisticated reference library
with regard to running properties of known dyes in various media if differential
dye analysis is required.
Hi Horst
I believe it was the late George O'Bannon who coined the
term, "educated eye test" for dye analysis.
It has all of the good
properties that you mention, although nobody really knows what "reasonable
reliability" means here. People bet serious money on it, rather unusual behavior
when the risk of being mistaken is unknown. It suggests to me that they put an
awful lot of confidence in it being reliable. I hope they (we) are
Steve Price
Hi Steve
„Reasonable reliability“ with regard to the discrimination of
natural vs. synthetic dyes is to make no or very few mistakes under normal
conditions and with senses aware. Judging and buying rugs should be no betting
game - not outside eBay. Misjudgements in the case of rugs that have been
tampered with belong to the latter category, i.e. having been bleached,
artificially aged, painted etc.
I have taken chances at times and still
do so. But if this happens I am usually aware that I am trying to bridge gaps of
knowledge. So far I always reached the other shore, on occasions with wet feet.
In those instances I surrender to the quotation by Mark Whiting in Hali, Vol I,
No 3 pp 281-283, Filiberto has relayed for us in an earlier post to this thread.
Although I prefer rugs with natural dyes, I am not obsessed with them. There are
good tribal rugs with a few synthetic dyes on them around, and sometimes that is
all that seems to be left of a particular tribal group’s heritage.
As to
research into this issue, I don’t know of any. It is a complex matter.
Researching complex questions calls for big samples and all that goes with it.
I’d suggest an alternative approach by which the issues are taken one-by-one:
testing a meaningful hypothesis like “high positive correlation in
dye-discrimination can be expected between training input and performance with
regard to early 20th century North-West Persian rugs ((specific and known
palette of colours allows for save assessment))” - or something along similar
Bye for now,