Oil on rugs?



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  • Oil on rugs?

    I was speaking to my brother in law that spent a lot of time in the Hamburg rug world in the late 70’s and early 80’s. He said after his rug dealer friend cleaned up the rugs to sell, he would put some type of oil over the top of them to make them shine a little. I have never heard of this. If someone knows, what was/is being used? Is it safe?
    Joe Lawrence

  • #2
    Hi Ortal

    Maybe someone will come on here with some explanation, but this strikes me as an EXTREMELY bad idea.

    Any substance that would remain on a rug will be a dirt magnet. That's why you need a soap like Orvus that COMPLETELY rinses out, and you have to make the effort to make sure it rinses out. There is lanolin in the wool of course, but that has the effect of helping the wool shed dirt, I believe... maybe someone has more technical info on that. But, I can't imagine that this wasn't some gimmick to make the rug look "shiny" for a few months before it became caked with dust.



    • #3
      Good assumption Paul. Never heard of it but you never know!
      Joe Lawrence


      • #4
        Hi Ortal

        My reaction is exactly the same as Paul's. Looks to me like a vendor ploy.

        Steve Price


        • #5
          Lanolin probably. "
          What is lanolin oil good for?
          Lanolin oil is a waxy substance derived from sheep. Its emollient, conditioning properties make it an effective ingredient in combating dry skin and hair. It's also used as a moisturizer for cracked lips or nipples. If you're allergic to wool, it's best to avoid lanolin."
          I recommend against posting any pictures of you rubbing lanolin onto nipples, however.
          Patrick Weiler


          • #6
            That was funny! Thanks for the response.
            Joe Lawrence


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