When you acquire a new piece, what is your decontamination process for dirt and the fear of moths?
Maybe my process is overkill, but I truest feel you can’t be careful enough.
-New piece doesn’t enter the house.
-slight shaking to remove trapped things like dirt and dust.
-Thorough vacuuming with a small attachment to create more suction.
-Piece is hung and a lawn blower is used inside and out close to the piece to force out dirt and dust.
-vacuuming process repeated.
-piece is then completely sealed in a air tight vacuum bag.
-Vacuum bag is then placed in the freezer for a r least a week.
So far so good and I never had an issue to date. For the extreme dirty pieces, they go off to the rug experts who specializes in old pieces. cleaning.
Maybe my process is overkill, but I truest feel you can’t be careful enough.
-New piece doesn’t enter the house.
-slight shaking to remove trapped things like dirt and dust.
-Thorough vacuuming with a small attachment to create more suction.
-Piece is hung and a lawn blower is used inside and out close to the piece to force out dirt and dust.
-vacuuming process repeated.
-piece is then completely sealed in a air tight vacuum bag.
-Vacuum bag is then placed in the freezer for a r least a week.
So far so good and I never had an issue to date. For the extreme dirty pieces, they go off to the rug experts who specializes in old pieces. cleaning.