Fermentation Does It
Lieber Manfred,
thanks for that deep look into the murky abyss of primitive chemical
processes from which we have risen to modern clean and pollution free
heights. Without those beginnings we would have to do without booze,
cornichons, yoghurt, wholemeal bread and sauerkraut. Without the latter
and its scorbut preventing properties the Americas would probably never
have been discovered, and Turkotek neither. How much poorer the world
would be without!
I will definitely add 'exfoliation caused by fermentation' to my
selective thesaurus for rug society meetings. However, can you help and
boost my self-confidence by explaining to me, whether this process is
more important to cold-dying with purple, aubergine etc. or whether it
improves fixture of mordants or dyes independent of process temperature?
Regards, Horst