Bakhtiari Wagireh
Here is a Bakhtiari wagireh:
I found it at this web site:
There are many large Bakhtiari versions of Heriz-type rugs, with central medallions,
but a little more floral than Heriz. This wagireh has enough of the pattern
for a weaver to make the entire rug. There are a couple of minor border patterns
and notice that the major border is resolved.
Patrick Weiler
Hi Pat -
And this one seems quite striking to me.
R. John Howe
Grand Finale?
Here are a few more wagireh from old Oriental Rug Review magazines:
This first one is a Serapi Sampler cataloged as NW Persian, late 19th Century
from the October/November 1989 ORR. They say this:
"Samplers - vagireh in Persian - have always fascinated collectors and most
collectors, whatever their collecting bent, want to have at least one in their
They also note an article in the September 1982 ORR which illustrated 15 vagirehs.
This second piece is also from the October/November 1989 ORR in an article on
The Markarian Album of his personal collection:
This piece is from the April/May 1992 ORR, an ad from Thomas Baker, in which
he says: "This unusual wagireh, complete with original side and end finishes,
is in full pile. Bijar samplers, diminutive in size and comprised of borders
only, are heretofore unknown to me."
It is a mere 1'3" x 1'2". Maybe it is a Chanteh sampler???
And, finally, this piece is also Bijar from the August/September 1989 ORR in
the article An Introduction to Persian Village Rugs by Donald Wilbur.
It is 5'9" x 4'2".
Gosh, now I want one for my collection, too!
Patrick Weiler
Good show on these.
Rich Larkin