Posted by R. John Howe on 12-24-2003 08:09 PM:

More Web Sites on Felting

Dear folks -

Sometimes you have to stop "looking" for something in order to find it. I thought I had done quite a bit of web surfing for "felts" and "felting" but tonight, looking for something else ran into this site on Turkish felts and felting:

Nearby was another site with some information and poor black and white photos of felting in Mongolia.

And here is a link with directions for doing some felting yourself:

And finally, if you're feet get cold easily, you might consider making yourself some felt boots:

Do you remember Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's, gulag prisoner and bricklayer, Ivan Denisovich? He was very attached to his felt boots.

We're beginning to assemble a nice little collection of information about felts and felting.


R. John Howe