Posted by R. John Howe on 12-11-2003 03:37 PM:

Surfing for "Persian felt"

Dear folks

One has to worry if one surfs with words like “Persian felt.”

Among the more innocuous results one can get is:

"Iran Navy Makes Persian Gulf Presence Felt"

Some entries are minimally definitional:

“namad (ﺑﺎﻤﺎﺪ—Persian word for wool felt used to make floor coverings, hats, coats and horse covers.”

Note: the emoticon above is triggered entirely by something in the Farsi script.

At one point I was offered a porno site with this enticement:

“…I just sat deliriously stimulated taking in the sight of
her perfect slender body on that perfect Persian felt carpet…”

Clearly a test of how well one can stay focused on the "perfections" of felt.

Pretty quickly the possibilities are broadened to include non-Persian felts:

Here, I think I encountered one link that Chuck Wagner suggested:

And many of today’s rug pads have a felt component:

There is a review of a musical performance somewhere in England part of which notes:

“… contrasted wonderfully with the very saucy Persian ‘felt hat song’ (Kolah Makhmali), Robyn teasing the audience with shoulder nudges, finger clicks and rump tips, really enjoying this dance, as did the audience: wonderful technique, great vocals, and what a hat!…”

But pretty soon “Persian” is usually an adjective for “cat,” and “felt” is uniformly a verb.

Surfing for a given term often produces odd results.


R. John Howe