Khorassan or Persian Baluchi's
Good morning, Tom.
I see no mention of these NE Persian Baluchi bags which
are extremely fine, velvet-like with an extraordinary surmey color for a
comments about these relative to the other types presented?
Best regards
Marvin.. presumably of a similar tribal group as at least one of the Khorassan pieces featured in the text. So called "Timuri" group, or 'Taimuri' as Jerry Anderson would spell and say it? A Turkic related design type featuring similar zoomorphic elements that occur in ancient Anatolian rugs. At the ICOC in Hamburg, I did an entire poster session on the relationship of some elements in the Baluch design pool with those of ancient Anatolia. Too long to go into now.. images not really available.. but it got some attention at the time, notably from John Thompson and Azadi
Hi Marvin and Tom
Another one with a turkic heritage (?). However the
weave is fairly loose, with a lovely soft and springy
Full bag -- bright daylight
Detail, memling gul
Hi Stephen. Despite its crudeness and limited palette, I think that I would
like your piece. Interestingly, it could not be any more different than either
the "gay" 'Baluchs' that are the focus of Tom's presentation, or of the "star in
octagon" bag at the head of this thread.
I challenge anyone to say what
is the common "style" of:
- Tom's #3
- Tom's #7
- Marvin's "star in
- Stephen's ("Firoz-Kohi"?) bagface.
Such a juxtaposition
demonstrates just how inadequate the designation of 'Baluch' is, and how
unlikely it is that a 'Baluch' style exists anywhere outside of our
The "landscape of 'Baluch' studies" totters.
Dear Stephen:
Yes - I like this too. But as Henry points out - it's
VERY different from others posted. If you have time could you tell us about the
knots, so forth?
Stephen's bag is probably from Afghanistan, and I am sure it is open left. The simple Turkic inspired field pattern is consistent with Elphinstone's observations of an affinity with those people in W. Afghanistan (or E. Khorasssan, if you will) with their Turkic neighbors. The Aimaq ("Eimauk) live in yurts, except for the Taimuri who apparently inhabit black tents, according to Elphinstone.
Hi all
Thanks for your comments on my bag -- incidently, my wife's
favourite carpet in our little collection. Tom is right, it is open left. The
pile is interesting, with all the colours (two blues, a red, and a dark brown)
being much longer than the light brown field. The back is complete, and I sewed
it along the top to make for easy hanging, so I can't readily inspect the knots.
In sunlight, it literally gleams!
Tom, could you provide the reference to
Stephen... from Elphinstone...
“One is surprised to find within the
limits of Afghaunistaun, and that very part of it which is said to be the
original seat of the Afghauns, a people differing entirely from that nation in
appearance, language, and manners. The wonder seems at first removed, when we
find that they bear a resemblance to their Toorkee neighbors, but points of
difference occur even there, which leave us in more perplexity than before. The
people themselves afford us no aid in removing this obscurity, for they have no
account of their own origin; nor does their language, which is a dialect of
Persian, afford any clue by which we might discover the race from which they
sprung. Their features, however refer them at once to the Tartar stock, and a
tradition declares them to be the offspring of the Moguls [Mongols?]....... I
find it difficult to account for the number of Toorkee words which are met with
in the language of these tribes. Why, if they be Moguls, should the have spoken
Toorkee; and why if Toorkee was their language, should they have lost it,
residing as they do on the borders of Toorkestaun? Why should they have adopted
the Persian language, while the bulk of their northern neighbors speak Toorkee,
and of those on the south Pushtoo?......The word, Eimauk, though I do not know
that it is used in Toorkistaun, is the common term among all Tartars of the
north and east for a division or a tribe. The nation I am describing, is
correctly called the Chahaur Oeemauk, or four tribes and was in reality formed
into so many divisions, although they have now branched out into a greater
number. The original four Eimauks are the Teimanees, Hazaurehs, Teimoories, and
Zoorees. The first of these Eimauks includes two other divisions, the Kipchauks,
and the Durzyers; and the second includes the Jumsheedees and Feerooz-coohes.
.........The Eimauks live almost entirely in camps, which they call Oard or Orde
This is derived the Turksh word oordoo, a camp or army from we have formed horde
........ Their tents are almost universally of the kind called khirgah, which is
used by the Tartars; but the Teimoorees, one of the Eimauks, prefer the black
tent of the Afghauns. .... Two Eimauks, Teimooree and Hazaureh, however are now
subject to Persia, This was owing to their position which is west of Heraut, and
within the limits overrun by the Persians..."
---An Account of the Kingdom of
Sir Monstuart Elphinstone, 1815, Volume 2, pp. 202-206--
light brown field of the piece is a corroded dye, mordanted with a corrosive
element, possibly iron oxide.
Dear Tom,
Thanks for the salon. I'm having a great time.
this nice book from Parson. He speeks about Turkmen that arrived in the twenties
because of Russian, communist pressure. Didn't these Turkmen had a thing or 2,
to do with design etc?
Here's a rug that I can't figure out.
Kizil Ayak? Turkmen?
Everything is two ply. Wool. Except the wefts are one ply, two
Senneh open right.
Borders not original. Knots at the side borders
are symmetrical.
Warp depression. ± 160 degrees
Vivid yellow. Red has a
blue mist. White is snow white. Blue different shades.
Light brown. Dark
It isn't the greatest rug in the world. But it's strange, so it
belongs with me.
Best regards,
NE Iran Baluch rug
Hi all, Here are images of a rug I bought recently on ebay, similar to
Marvin's bag. [It was originally described as 18c, which was later changed
(input error, no doubt) to 19c.] Every imaginable shade of orange-red and
red-orange is there. Other main color is blue-black, but appears black from a
distance. Can't help anyone with what kind of knots. Best, David
Vincent.. Your rug is from Afghanistan, a Turkmen weaving which is called Kizil Ayak in the Afghan marketplace. A well known type of rug in the Afghan marketplace, and a seemingly nice example of the type. The hanging device in the center is reminiscent of what one would see in Beshir weavings.
David... Your rug is probably open left, from Khorassan, NE Persia. Nice border, always liked this border design type.. related to an ancient Anatolian/Seljuk proto type.. think the Seljuk example is in the Turk ve Islami in Istanbul, and may be published in Aslanapa's book. not sure though.. no time to look it up.. running out the door.