Posted by David R.E. Hunt on 09-21-2002 02:56 PM:

Common Design?

Dear R.J. Howe and All- I was wondering if anyone had noticed a simularity in the drawing of design elements between the "Kizil Ayak" Engsi (#5) from the Hungarian Engsi post and the Cootner and Wiedersperg rugs from the thread "Saryk Engsi", and the implications-I tried to save a copy of the Hungarian piece but it seems to have been reduced- at any rate I can't pull a copy whith adequate resolution of detail- is one available? Herein lies the key, I believe, of both cronology and affinity-Dave

Posted by R. John Howe on 09-21-2002 03:20 PM:

David -

I have the book and could rescan an unreduced image for you if you wanted.

All of the images we put up on Turkotek are reduced (about 100 KB is the max we try to maintain) to ensure that "loading" of images does not take forever for those on phone line connections.

Let me know if you want an unreduced image.


R. John Howe

Posted by Steve Price on 09-21-2002 06:01 PM:

Hi John and David,

We do keep image file sizes below 100 kb, and that does allow downloads to happen reasonably fast. But using larger file sizes doesn't improve detail if the image size is kept within the screen width on the typical monitor - resolution is limited by the monitor, not by the image file.

There are two ways to get higher resolution for a detail. One is to crop the image so the detail occupies much of the screen. This can be done without even approaching a 100 kb file. The other is to put in very large images with very large image file sizes. This provides the resolution for details, but prevents seeing the entire piece on most monitors without scrolling.

If you have an image editing program, try it yourself. Take a nice, sharp image, and start compressing the file as JPGs of various file sizes but widths no greater than, say, 60% of your screen - that will usually be no more than 500 pixels wide for the image width. Then open the images in Internet Explorer or Netscape, or whichever browser you use, and compare them. You'll have a hard time detecting differences in file size until you go below about 50 kb unless you are using higher settings for your monitor resolution than most people do (the most common combination is a 17" monitor at 600 x 800).


Steve Price