TurkoTek Discussion Boards

Subject  :  Birds on a suzani
Author  :  Patrick Weiler
Date  :  09-13-2000 on 12:55 p.m.
jpweil00@gte.net There is a suzani from Shakhrisyabz on a comprehensive exhibition on Michael Franses web site, Textile Art, that shows what he calls a peacock. It looks remarkably similar to the Baluch birds you have shown, only it is curvilinear instead of geometric. The peacock is shown in a detail at the bottom of the page: http://www.textile-art.com/suz2000/17238.html Mr. Franses says it is from the early 19th century or before, so it well could have predated the more stylized versions shown in Baluch weavings. I know that the weavers of these suzani were not the same people who wove Baluch bags, but they did reside in the same region. It also shows some of the important features Steve describes, such as the crest and splayed tail and three toed feet. It is not a stretch to think this painterly type of peacock could have been interpreted in simple lines such as we see in the later Baluch weavings. Patrick Weiler

Subject  :  RE:Birds on a suzani
Author  :  Marvin Amstey
Date  :  09-13-2000 on 09:20 p.m.
mamstey1@rochester.rr.com Peacock? It looks like a dancing parrot. Regards, Marvin

Subject  :  RE:Birds on a suzani
Author  :  Bob+Emry
Date  :  09-13-2000 on 11:33 p.m.
emry@starpower.net Hello all: I posted a comment and picture on the "is it a bird?" thread last evening. Earlier it and some other postings had disappeared, and now it seems that that whole thread has evaporated. The picture is another variant of the form seen on one of the Boucher rugs. Here it is in the minor gul down both sides of the field of a Baluch rug that has Turkoman field design. Maybe this is a Peacock, but it looks like the old red rooster to me (and the old white rooster too). In any event, this surely couldn't be interpreted as a mammal.

Subject  :  RE:Birds on a suzani
Author  :  Patrick Weiler
Date  :  09-15-2000 on 01:11 a.m.
jpweil00@gte.net Marvin, It can't be a parrot, there is no pirate with a peg leg and eye patch. Patrick Weiler

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