Posted by Patrick Weiler on April 25, 1999 at 12:18:48:
There is a group of weavings known as Veramin that in style and format resemble the Turkmen products. They use a dark blue field instead of the ubiquitous red, but the sizes and designs appear related or derived from the Turkmen design and function pool.
You noted the absence of borders on the NW Persian piece, but of course, since it is only the front of a four-sided piece, it would generally not have side borders. There are some mafrash that only have decoration on the front panel and these do have borders all around (no elem, though).
It is interesting that, in general the two styles are so dissimilar. My thought is that the cultural differences are so profound that the iconography was derived from different sources and ended up, like the process of natural Darwinian selection, into discrete "species".
Consider the iconography of the Orthodox Christian religion compared to the art and iconography of, say, the Tibetan Bhuddists, or the dissimilarity between even Christian and Jewish art - two "tribes" living in close proximity.
Patrick Weiler