Posted by Wendel Swan on April 03, 1999 at 07:15:38:
In Reply to: Re: Paired bag faces posted by Steve Price on April 03, 1999 at 06:08:45:
Dear Steve,
A few observations:
Many objects can be woven as pairs without being woven in pairs on the loom. Mafrash, for example, are woven and used (at least on the pack animal) as pairs, but they are woven one mafrash at a time. All the panels of a single mafrash are woven at once and then assembled off the loom.
Asmalyks would never be woven in pairs on the loom even though they may be used in pairs. Given the triangle, there is insufficient support to allow the weaver to comb the rows of knots and wefts into place regardless of how she may attempt this.
As to the usual direction of weaving, I think it makes absolutely no difference to a weaver which end is the beginning, even when the pattern is directional. The vast majority of weavings are symmetrical anyway. Many Turkish prayer rugs, particularly those from Central Anatolia, are woven "upside down."
The most likely reason to weave a single bag (or any other object intended to be used vertically) is practical: dirt will not collect as easily with the pile running down. In addition, the weaver is likely to construct a solid foundation, such as is the back of a bag, before beginning the pile.
Collector selection seems to be an unlikely application of Darwinian principles.
In many ways it is difficult to compare the purportedly utilitarian objects of the Turkmen with those of other tribal groups. Turkmen are essentially more sedentary than the groups in Persian and Anatolia whose weavings we cherish. Hence, there are vast differences in the nature of the objects and the structures employed. Perhaps that could be a topic of a salon.