Posted by Michael Wendorf on December 30, 1998 at 11:56:25:
In Reply to: The Eagleton plate11 and Boralevi rugs posted by Daniel Deschuyteneer on December 30, 1998 at 08:00:11:
: Dear folks:
: After Michael's last message, I thought you would be interested to see two more rugs
: Best wishes
: Daniel Deschuyteneer
: Michael Wendorff said:
: As a follow up, I have just gotten off the phone with Mr. Eagleton who confirms that plate 11 of his book is more typical of Sauj Bulagh rugs although the market refers to each by this term.
: For those of you who haven't his outstanding book on Kurdish rugs I have added here a picture of plate 11 page 60
: Comments of W. Eagleton concerning this rug: : Type Iran- Western mountains : Size 104x32"(256x76cm) : Knots:5x9 : Warps: wool - tan : Weft: 2 shoots, red : Colors: red, dark blue, brown, tan, ivory, white : Sides: wool, overcast : Bottom and top: fringed"
: "this old tribal piece fits a recognizable model whose distinguishing feature is the wide border framed by reciprocal red and white "chicken heads". The field is also characteristic with its dark and cluttered but balanced appearance that recalls some Kuba Caucasians. The red wefts fit descriptions of the Sauj Bulaqs…..This piece, with its irregular widths, design changes and inability to wrap the main border around the ends, betrays nomadic or highland village origins…."
: Here is a second rug from Alberto Boralevi clearly related with the precedent. It was exhibited at The Antique Textile Art Exhibition, Perugia 1997 and the picture is illustrated in Hali 91 page 44
: Comments from Alberto Boralevi : Kurdish rug, northwest Persia, late 19th century : 120x241 cm
Dear Daniel: Thank you for posting these additional photos. In an earlier posting I mentioned another rug or fragment of Alberto Boralevi that may provide additional insight into the flame palmette. If you go to the Non Plus Ultra link from the Turkotek homepage, enter at Frammenti then List of Carpets and scroll to #62 Harshang Kurd you can see the image of a late 18th century fragment on a red ground (it actually seems to be two pieces). The palmette is beautifully drawn. There are also interesting little L devices that have been discussed and appear in your borders simplified. Here they are in the field and quite clearly floral with buds. The harshang pattern is not uniquely Kurdish, but it seems to have been popular and the source for a lot of design elements in other carpets. I think the gentle meandering of the border is also worthy of further contemplation. Thank you. Michael
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Comments: : : : Dear folks: : : After Michael's last message, I thought you would be interested to see two more rugs : : Best wishes : : Daniel Deschuyteneer : : Michael Wendorff said: : : As a follow up, I have just gotten off the phone with Mr. Eagleton who confirms that plate 11 of his book is more typical of Sauj Bulagh rugs although the market refers to each by this term. : : For those of you who haven't his outstanding book on Kurdish rugs I have added here a picture of plate 11 page 60 : : : Comments of W. Eagleton concerning this rug: : : Type Iran- Western mountains : : Size 104x32"(256x76cm) : : Knots:5x9 : : Warps: wool - tan : : Weft: 2 shoots, red : : Colors: red, dark blue, brown, tan, ivory, white : : Sides: wool, overcast : : Bottom and top: fringed" : : "this old tribal piece fits a recognizable model whose distinguishing feature is the wide border framed by reciprocal red and white "chicken heads". The field is also characteristic with its dark and cluttered but balanced appearance that recalls some Kuba Caucasians. The red wefts fit descriptions of the Sauj Bulaqs…..This piece, with its irregular widths, design changes and inability to wrap the main border around the ends, betrays nomadic or highland village origins…." : : Here is a second rug from Alberto Boralevi clearly related with the precedent. It was exhibited at The Antique Textile Art Exhibition, Perugia 1997 and the picture is illustrated in Hali 91 page 44 : : : Comments from Alberto Boralevi : : Kurdish rug, northwest Persia, late 19th century : : 120x241 cm : Dear Daniel: : Thank you for posting these additional photos. In an earlier posting I mentioned another rug or fragment of Alberto Boralevi that may provide additional insight into the flame palmette. If you go to the Non Plus Ultra link from the Turkotek homepage, enter at Frammenti then List of Carpets and scroll to #62 Harshang Kurd you can see the image of a late 18th century fragment on a red ground (it actually seems to be two pieces). The palmette is beautifully drawn. There are also interesting little L devices that have been discussed and appear in your borders simplified. Here they are in the field and quite clearly floral with buds. The harshang pattern is not uniquely Kurdish, but it seems to have been popular and the source for a lot of design elements in other carpets. I think the gentle meandering of the border is also worthy of further contemplation. : Thank you. Michael
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