Salatchaks: Who Makes, Gives, When?

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Posted by R. John Howe on November 24, 1998 at 17:50:33:

Dear folks,

While perusing the literature concerning salatchaks a bit, I encountered an indication or two that I think Wendel has not mentioned directly in his intro that may be of interest.

We had a brief discussion of the proper use of the word "dowry" in one of the threads on Daniel’s Khamseh piece. Parsons in his book "The Carpets of Afghanistan," (1983, p.44) says:

"The Salanchak or Gaz (Ahah! That’s where
I got that ‘n.’")

"This woven piece is a cradle, and is often made by the bride’s mother-in-law. Among the Turkomans, it is usually knotted and piled; made by the Uzbek and the Arabis, it is often flat woven. It, too, [ed. he also says this of the Khourjeen (his spelling)] does not form part of the dowry, but is usually made and donated by the groom’s mother in time for the birth of her grandchild."

Incidentally, George O’Bannon’s recent version of Moshova contains a chart of which Central Asian groups wove what formats that seems to contradict part of what Parson’s says here. The chart indicate that salatchaks were woven by the Turkoman tribes but the spaces for the Uzbeks and Arabis are empty opposite this format.

So what do you all think? Is an salatchak not part of the Central Asian dowry pieces? And could an Uzbek or an Arab weaver have produced this item?


John Howe

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