September 19th, 2011, 08:32 AM  1
David R E Hunt

Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 17
Baluch Bag?


I am operating under the assumption that this bag, measuring 17" x 20" was produced by the baluch, and have seen a similar bag labeled as such. It seems executed in weft substitution and some sort of plain weave. I confess, I am confused, baffled and bewildered by flat weave.

Notice that there are some type of hanging loops, situated on opposite corners top and botton. Also, there are no closure devices, as the mouth of the bag is finished in a simple double cord overcast. I suspect this bag was designed for a specific purpose, perhaps a saddle bag?

Of interest is the boldly executed band of figures at the base of this weaving. This band literally "squares off" the base of the bag, so that it is flat, as if a paper bag.

It has an interesting back, but not glorious enough to qualify for the Back O' The Bag thread...

September 19th, 2011, 10:31 AM   2
Chuck Wagner

Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 30

Hi Dave

Here's a little chanteh which I have always credited to the Baluch (the red reciprocal double-hook at the bottom is classic Sistan Baluch), with the same figure as that at the bottom of your bag and a more poorly executed version of the hook motif.

Chuck Wagner
September 20th, 2011, 12:36 PM  3
David R E Hunt

Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 17

Hi Chuck

Thanks for this interesting specimen of a kindered spirit. Gotta love those dragon/donkey/goat figures ...

September 24th, 2011, 04:45 PM   4
Joel Greifinger

Join Date: May 2008
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 38
Guls or gals

Hi folks,

This bagface is my favorite Baluch Rorschach test:

No matter how I look at it, I see rows of women (some standing on their heads, of course).

In his tome on Baluch motifs, Powischer refers to similar devices in this small (29 x 52 cm.) bagface as "nasarbai guls" based on an ancient amulet form:

Armed with the additional information, when I look at my bagface, I still see the women.

Joel Greifinger
September 24th, 2011, 04:57 PM   5
Patrick Weiler

Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 32
I won't tell


I hope your spouse doesn't mind that you are posting pictures of women on the internet!
There is a Kurdish bag with animal figures similar to those which Chuck has posted that I will put on the Back o' The Bag thread. It also has soumak designs similar to some of those on your bag.

Patrick Weiler
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November 1st, 2011, 08:53 PM  6
Joel Greifinger

Join Date: May 2008
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 38
Ladies of the Wig Collection

I hope your spouse doesn't mind that you are posting pictures of women on the internet!

I pointed out to her that it could be worse. This guy has published a picture of a whole chorus line of little Baluch dancing ladies in a book.

He must have really flipped his Wig.
Joel Greifinger

(cf. Besim, Mythos Und Mystique: Belutshen - Die Wig Kollektion)