the relative expence of silk cotton and wool
dear all
the question that i would like to ask is
what was the
relative price or expence of cotton silk and wool in the various areas of
central asia and how did it change over
richard farber
i am thinking of
the very large numbers of items of clothing that were made with a silk cotton
mix in the 19th century and only of silk in the early twentieth century . . .
was this price related?
i believe that concrete information on prices
would be very beneficial in understanding the use of the various materials
Hi Richard
That information ought to be available, although I'm not
sure where. I'd expect wool to be the least expensive fiber in the groups whose
economy revolved around raising sheep, and that cotton and silk would be easiest
to obtain in the urban centers.
Steve Price
The Queen of the Sciences...
Greetings Richard, Steve, and All
It was my economics professor, good
ol' H.P.G. H. Thomas, who pointed out the singular nature of economics and it's
relationship to our natural world. If it occurs, it's somehow a function of
Richard, you had stated that
"i am thinking of the very
large numbers of items of clothing that were made with a silk cotton mix in the
19th century and only of silk in the early twentieth century . . . was this
price related?".
Jahannes Khalter, in his Arts and Crafts of Turkestan,
notes that
"The cultivation of cotton, which had origionally been
imported from India,had a centuries old tradition, too. Cotton growing and
sericulture (silkworms) were the foundation on which the flourishing textile
workshops in the towns of Turkestan depended. Cotton has been an important
export article since before the Russian conquest. As early as 1880, the
long-fibered American cotton-plant was introduced by the Russians and areas of
cotton cultivation were considerably enlarged. A great number of irrigation
projects, particularlly those carried out after 1920, aimed at the extension of
cotton growing. Today, two thirds of the Soviet Union's cotton harvest is
gathered in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Cotton growing in Turkestan made
possible the rise of Russian textile manufacture. As early as the last decades
of the 19th century, cheap Russian cotton printed fabrics were beginning to
supplant the products of the traditional Turkestan textile workshops more and
more, bringing them almost to a standstill, except for the production of ikat
materials with very simple decoration. (Kalter, pg.16)".
This would
suggest to me that a decline of indigenous cotton production could be the root
cause of fabrics composed entirely of silk supplanting the earlier cotton /silk
Also from Kalter, the following
"According to the
literature, in Turkestan, silk and mixed silk/cotton fabrics are called"abra" or
"adra", in Afghanistan (according to Janata), generally "pardah" (meaning a
"To make ikat, the yarn is stretched on the loom. The work
is described by Janata as follows: "In the present case, the threads of the warp
are dyed before weaving by tying them together in bundles according to the
desired pattern. A material of several colors requires several binding and
dyeing processes. Since it is impossible to tie the bundles so tightly that
sharp outlines are produced, ikat weaves can be recognized by the way the
colored sections flow in the direction of the patterned threads. One ikat weave
requires the services of nine specialists, from spinning the silk yarn to
weaving. In other places, for simpler products, fewer sufficed. It is not yet
clear who made the ikat fabrics. The repeated expressed theory that it was made
by Jews has not been substantiated. Janata's conclusion that they were made by
Tadzhiks (Arab ethnics) is the most probable, especially since all the data
relating to what craftsmen belonged to which ethnic groups, indicate most of the
craftsmen practising technically sophisticated crafts were in fact
Will be back with more before
Ikat = Arab?
Hi Steve, Richard
Follow this link to an example of 10th century ikat
production from the Arabian Peninsula. Further evidence that ikat production in
Central Asia could have been of Arabic origin?
Hi Dave,
I don't think that the presence of this piece in Yemen
necessarily means it was made in Yemen. With centuries of oceangoing
trading going on along the shores of the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Peninsula,
and East Africa, I think it's equally likely that it came to Yemen from the
ports of South Asia or Persia.
Hi Chuck
The first line from the Met's link to Tiraz
"The striped textiles of Yemen were famous in medieval times
throughout the Islamic world. They were made in the ikat technique, in which the
cotton warp threads were bundled together and resist-dyed before being arranged
on the loom to form patterns of arrowheads and diamonds"
and granted, it
doesen't state that they were made there, but if memory serves, Yemen is
recognized as an early producer of cloth in the ikat technique.
Hi Dave,
Hmmm. I missed the little Description link.
aggregate result of what I have read about the origins of ikat strongly suggests
that, for Asian and circum-Asian cultures, the technique spread outward from
India via trade routes.
Interestingly, and unlikely to be connected with
Indian trade routes, ancient ikat fabrics have been identified in Pre-Columbian
locations in South America.
Supply and Demand
Hi Chuck
Don't get me wrong, I havent mastered this by any measure, just
trying to put it into perspective. Way back in the days of the Muslim expansion,
this region of Central Asia was settled and administered by the Arabs. Early
ikats are found in the (9-10 cent.?)in Central Asia, so it's history of
production could be of substantial duration. And consumption of these Yemeni
ikats is described as a pan Arab phenomonon. No proof but...
dear all
to my understanding it was only in the dying of cloth that
the jews of central asia took part in ikat production. this is third or fourth
hand information from various catalogues published in
richard farber
as to the question of ikats
made in yemen. the might or might have been made there and research is
necessary. i just wanted to remind us all that the port where materials were
exported from often gave the name to the product. you ruggies probobly remember
many examples
Time, Research, Progress March On...
Hi Richard
You had stated that
"to my understanding it was
only in the dying of cloth that the jews of central asia took part in ikat
and as such was my own. Follow this link to a K.S.U. Museum
presentation of Kaleidoscopic Dreamcoats: Central Asian Ikat Robes. So far all
well and good. Then we find this Boston Museum of Fine Arts review, in which the varied ethnic
" Tadjiks, Jews, and Uzbeks-cooperated to make ikat
Still nothing out of the ordinary. But next I come across, in an
Artscope review of the
Goldman collection that
"Ikats were
produced among the resident Jewish population as well as by Muslims, and a
Jewish groom in 1874 paid for his bride: "nine robes, one garment of French
silk, one brocaded waistcoat, a silk garment, two ikat mourning robes, sandals
with gold embroidered overshoes and a bathing apron."
Which is correct?
Also, I find
"Fragments and records of ikat go back 1,200 years in Yemen,
on the Arabian peninsula, and in Java, one of Indonesia's big islands, said
Massumeh Farhad, chief curator at the Sackler. It may have sprung up
independently in many places where weavers were seeking new patterns and color
on the Carl Hartman (AP) review of Goldman's exhibit at the Sackler. This of course
does not preclude the possibility of the techniques migration through trade with
India, as forewarded by some authors.
Also, the following from Khalter,
"According to the literature, in Turkestan, silk and mixed
silk/cotton fabrics are called "abra" or "adra", in Afghanistan (according to
Janata), generally "pardah" (meaning a curtain)."
I think it worth
mentioning that the products of Jewish craftsman, save for items of ritual, were
indistinguishable from those produced by others in Turkmenistan. Memory serving,
as always
Hi Dave
Your message presents the following two statements as though
they were mutually exclusive:
1. my understanding it was only in the
dying of cloth that the jews of central asia took part in ikat production
(from Richard Farber's post)
2. Ikats were produced among the resident
Jewish population as well as by Muslims, ... (from an Artscope review of the
Goldman collection)
I don't see anything contradictory about those,
unless we take the second one to mean that there were central Asian Jews who
produced ikat cloth (from dying to weaving) on something more than a casual
scale. I'd also incline to taking the conventional wisdom as being more likely
to be correct in the absence of evidence to the
Steve Price
Reinterpretation =Transformation?
Hi Steve
I had just thought it interesting how the same information,
reworded and or used within a different context, lends itself to
reinterpretation. Together here the distinctions are readily apparent,
individually less so.
We read from the K.S.U site, that
technical knowledge and social status were passed from father to son, and
marriages were usually contracted within the same occupation class, assuring
that selected crafts remained the specialty of certain ethnic
much less prone to misinterpretation than
"Ikats were
produced among the resident Jewish population as well as by
Kindered examples of Richard's above cited "third or fourth
hand information"?
History of Turkestan Textile Exports
Hi Richard, Steve
Just another passagr or two from Kalter regarding
the production of textiles in Turkmenistan.
Only in the 9th century did
independant Islamic states emerge in Turkestan, at first still formally
dependant on the court of the (Arab) Caliph. The most important of these states,
culturally as well as economically, was the Samanid Empire (874 - 999). The
Samanid's capital was Bukhara, their most important governor's seat was
As documented by tens of thousands of Samanid
coins found in Scandanavia, but also a few scattered ones in Central Europe,
Samanid trade, passing via the Volga basin, reached nearly the whole of europe.
The list of export goods made up by the Arab geographer Mukadasi in the 10th
century (Brentjes 1976), is long and impressive. His (incomplete) list
comprises: rugs and prayer rugs from Bukhara and Samarkand, fine cloths and
weavings made from wool, cotton, and silk, soap, makeup, consecration oil, bows
that could only be bent by the strongest men, swords, armour, stirrups,fittings,
saddles,quivers, tents, rasins, sesame, nuts, honey, sheep, cattle, horses and
hawks, iron, sulfer, copper.
They have been exporting these textiles
for a long time.