The Salon du Tapis d'Orient is a moderated discussion group in the manner of the 19th century salon devoted to oriental rugs and textiles and all aspects of their appreciation. Please include your full name and e-mail address in your posting.
by Steve Price
Turkotek was closed to new postings for a month while Filiberto
and I were vacationing. Just prior to the closing, Henry Sadovsky
made the following suggestion in a Show and Tell posting:
Each interested party to submit photos of 2 "rugs" (or bags,
etc.) they own. One rug to be one whose appreciation has grown with
time, and which in their opinion is "Collectible". The other
rug to be one which, while it was collected with enthusiasm, is no longer
by the owner to be "Collectible".
I have adopted a modification of his suggestion for this mini-salon. Rather than ask people to submit pairs of rugs, one "collectible" and the other not (which would surely reignite a debate about what the word "collectible" means), I simply ask that folks present pairs of related pieces from their own collections, one of which they consider to be much better than the other, along with their reasons for thinking so.
I will start things off with a pair of pieces in my collection, posting their images and my thoughts about them in the Discussion section. You are encouraged to follow suit. Images can be sent to me or to Filiberto by e-mail; we will put them into the server and send you instructions on how to incorporate them into messages.
Since many people are reluctant to post photos of their rugs for reasons related to privacy, for this mini-salon we will make exceptions to our usual insistence that people post under their actual names. We will permit anonymous posting, but the identity of the author of the post must be made known to me or to Filiberto.
I thank Henry for his suggestion, and hope that many of you will participate.