incredibly unique pictorial afghan baloch, never seen anything like it before



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  • incredibly unique pictorial afghan baloch, never seen anything like it before

    Seller says from Zakin village which to my knowledge does not exist any more but was in Farah province near Lash wa juwayn? If anyone has seen anything similar please let me know, it's driving me crazy.
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  • #2
    Hi ssarahkerr,

    My interest/knowledge of Baluchi weaving is focused on antiques, so I am out of my element here, but no one has replied yet, so I will see if I can get some discussion going. This appears to be a recent, virtually new piece--no patina, and lots of synthetic dyes. If by "similar" you mean a field of charming ladies and a border of beasts, no... I have never seen that before. But these workshops will weave whatever you order (they make a lot of so-called "war" rugs, for example), and I have seen a lot of rugs with similar pictorial images. Many seem to come from Zabol, and there are old examples, at least from the late 19th century.



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