Kind of quiet here. Random pic



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  • Kind of quiet here. Random pic

    No description or dates. Just a pic from my house.

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Name:	6746A7F8-CE58-4140-9872-B69BB6B1C320.jpg
Views:	130
Size:	194.3 KB
ID:	1318
    Joe Lawrence

  • #2
    Nice digs!

    Steve Price


    • #3
      Your weavings are displayed beautifully! What are the bags with the rounded bottoms and tassels, just to the right of center? Interesting pieces.


      • #4
        Thanks Paul and Steve. The bags or called “okbash”. Used on camels to carry yurt struts.
        Joe Lawrence


        • #5
          Hi Guys

          Just to expand a bit on ok bash. The two words translate as arrow and cap. Peter Andrews was an anthropologist specializing in Turkmen cultures, married to a Yomud woman. He insisted that the correct name for these bags was uuk bash - tent strut cap. During migrations, tent struts were tied into bundles and carried on the sides of camels. The uuk bash covered the tips at the back of the camel, their tassels catching the attention of the camel following them and thus preventing it from being poked in the eye. There are some Turkmen collectors and dealers who believe that they were quivers, used for carrying arrows. Although the two uses aren't mutually exclusive a cap generally goes on top of something rather than being a receptacle.

          Now you know.

          Steve Price


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