Our website underwent a necessary software upgrade, and as a result, we are experiencing some malfunctions in the old vBulletin - the software that operates the discussion forums.
We updated it, but have lost some active discussions. All the discussions in the "Rugs and Old Masters"section will have to be converted to a different format, and that will require some time.
The new forum is still under construction/reconstruction.
Another result of the upgrade is that Members of Turkotek will need to register again, using the new software. As always, you are invited to open new topics at any time.
Unregistered users are still allowed to open new threads (now renamed as “Topics”) post in open threads/topics but there are still some glitches to be solved: they cannot use “smilies” and they aren't allowed to upload images directly. They 'll have to send them to an Administrator (see Home Page)
Now registered users will be able to upload their images directly. See:
Posts by Unregistered and Registered users will still be subject to approval by our administrators.
If you have any questions or problems using our site, please feel free to contact us for help. Clicking your mouse on any of our names in the Home Page will make it easy to send a message.
Welcome back,
Filiberto Boncompagni
Our thanks for the efforts of Steve Price who emerged from his semi-retirement to upgrade vBulletin software. Honestly, we didn't have a clue about how to do it.
We updated it, but have lost some active discussions. All the discussions in the "Rugs and Old Masters"section will have to be converted to a different format, and that will require some time.
The new forum is still under construction/reconstruction.
Another result of the upgrade is that Members of Turkotek will need to register again, using the new software. As always, you are invited to open new topics at any time.
Unregistered users are still allowed to open new threads (now renamed as “Topics”) post in open threads/topics but there are still some glitches to be solved: they cannot use “smilies” and they aren't allowed to upload images directly. They 'll have to send them to an Administrator (see Home Page)
Now registered users will be able to upload their images directly. See:
Posts by Unregistered and Registered users will still be subject to approval by our administrators.
If you have any questions or problems using our site, please feel free to contact us for help. Clicking your mouse on any of our names in the Home Page will make it easy to send a message.
Welcome back,
Filiberto Boncompagni
Our thanks for the efforts of Steve Price who emerged from his semi-retirement to upgrade vBulletin software. Honestly, we didn't have a clue about how to do it.