View Full Version : Yomut salt bag?

Cornelius Frandes
April 21st, 2022, 10:53 AM
Hi all!

Glad to be able to post again on this forum, last time I've been 'active' here was as far as I can remember back in late autumn 2013 to be more accurate so haven't been around for ages! Nice to know I can still log in, I hope you're all doing fine!

I guess that I might appear a bit like an 'apparition' from immemorial times to those younger ones of you more recent contributors to Turkotek. Yet some of my humble contributions have been archived so I'm not just coming out of the blue http://www.turkotek.com/misc_00130/kufic.htm

Sorry for my lengthy prelude but I happen to have came into the possession of what seems to be a relatively well preserved torba (a rectangular shaped salt bag actually). I'm calling it a salt bag for romantic reasons for it's impossible to really tell if it really was used in order to carry/hoard of salt in it. Both warp and weft are wool and it looks like it is a Yomut one judging by the g?ls. Now, whether it is an antique one or a cunningly made replica is hard for me to tell thus I need the help of you pundits to examine its structural composition.
Height: 32cm; Width 75cm (13-30 inches)

Thanks in advance!






