View Full Version : Scheunemann rugs

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Horst Nitz
December 11th, 2013, 10:55 PM
This is the one, TIEM inv. no. 420, Double Medallion-Holbein Type, attributed to Central Anatolia, late 17th / early 18th c, from the Ulu Camii in Biga, Çanakkale, West Anatolia.




Horst Nitz
December 31st, 2013, 02:45 PM

in the discussion to a past salon I compared the structural data of another splendid rug with a bold geometric design and “halo”, the Brashov rug in the 2006 Transsylvanian Rugs exhibition in Berlin, with rugs from East Anatolia, Aserbaidschan and NW Iran. The outcome was, that the Brashov rug is more likely, or at least equally likely on basis of structural data, from that region than from the Usak region in West Anatolia – the most common attribution – or from the Karapinar area, in a tentative attribution by Alberto Boralevi.


With the Pohlmann rug and the Bode rug being vanished from focus to the rug world and the Orient Stars publication omitting structural data, the same comparative analyses is vain. There is the later rug in the ICOC volume, but the structural details are of a rug more than 200 hundred years later, and they seem to be flawed or use a somewhat different nomenclature that isn’t explained.

In the older rug literature, rugs of the Scheunemann type as in this discussion are also attributed to West Anatolia, Usak, Bergama, Cannakale. This tendency was probably started by Erich Kühnel (Bode W & Kühnel E (1914) Vorderasiatische Knüfteppiche, 2nd ed.) who saw in them the predecessor of the later Bergama rugs.

What happened in the period between the manufacture of the Crivelli / Ghirlandaio / Pohlmann / Bode rugs and those classical carpets, that are generally attributed to western Anatolia (and partially, in the last two decades in a more “modern” nomenclature to Central Anatolia / Karapinar) is highly important, probably, but has not been addressed as far as I am aware. I would like to focus on that issue in the neighbouring thread, the 'Quest for the elusive Caucasian rug.'

